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Terms and Conditions

Rhianfa VetsTerms & Conditions of Business

Thank you for entrusting the care of your pet(s) to Rhianfa vets. This document contains our Terms & Conditions. Some aspects of the terms may not be relevant to you. Please ask for further explanation or clarification if required.


Registration & Contact Details

  • Veterinary practices must maintain accurate records of our clients and patients. In order to do this we will periodically ask you to confirm registration and contact details. 

  • If your details change, please inform us so we can ensure our database is up to date and that you receive appointment and treatment reminders.

Data Protection      

  • Rhianfa vets takes your privacy very seriously and take great care to comply with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to protect your personal information including any financial details that you provide.

  • Rhianfa will only use your personal information in order to liaise with you regarding the healthcare of your pets.

You have the following rights regarding Rhianfa’s use of your personal data

  • You have the right to block or restrict any data processing relating to your personal information.

  • You can ask for a copy of the information we hold about them.

  • You can restrict our use of your data in certain situations.

  • You can exercise any of their rights by emailing

  • If you feel that your data protection rights have been breached, and that Rhianfa is unable to resolve your concerns, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office

  • Rhianfa may need to disclose or share your personal information with regulatory authorities for the purpose of fraud prevention and/or to comply with any legal or regulatory requirement.  If you have any questions about the way Rhianfa uses your personal information, please write to the Practice Manager, Rhianfa vets, 83 Russell Road, Rhyl.

There are 3 reasons why Rhianfa may potentially use your personal data to contact you.

  • General information about the practice's services 

This type of correspondence is intended to inform pet owners about any changes to the practice's existing service provision such as changes the practice's opening hours during holiday periods. 

  • Reminders about ongoing existing treatments and appointments

This type of correspondence is intended to remind pet owners about products or services that have already been 'prescribed' or agreed for their pets such as vaccination reminders, parasite treatments and appointment reminders.

  • Promotion of new products and services 

This type of correspondence is intended to promote specific products or services that a pet owner is currently NOT using on an ongoing basis such as new products or services.

Rhianfa will ask you to choose which of the three reasons above you wish to give consent as well as how you wish to be contacted, (telephone, email, SMS or post).  You have the option to unsubscribe to any of the three reasons above.

Legislation relating to Veterinary Care

  • Rhianfa will endeavour to provide veterinary services in accordance with reasonable standards as specified in the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Nurses. Guidelines are available at

  • Veterinary Surgeons at Rhianfa can only give advice, diagnose and prescribe therapies for patients that are ‘under their care’. 

  • Being ‘under the care’ of a veterinary practice means that the veterinary surgeon must know what is going on with the patient in order to make an informed decision about it. 

  • A patient cannot be considered to be under the vet’s care if there has been no physical examination; which means that a vet cannot prescribe a prescription only medicine to a patient if they have only conducted a consultation over the telephone or via the Internet. 

  • However, if a patient has been prescribed a prescription-only-medicine for a long-term medical condition, the client can acquire more medicine without the patient having to be examined every single time. 

  • Every repeat-prescription request needs to be authorised by a veterinary surgeon before it can be dispensed. 

  • Legally, the maximum period of time a vet can prescribe a prescription-only-medicine without having re-examined the patient is 12 months.

  • The minimum period of time between examinations is not legally defined. This is determined by the prescribing veterinary surgeon.  

Supply of medicines for therapeutic purposes

  • Rhianfa will offer to supply virtually all of the veterinary medicines that have been prescribed for your pet.

  • Rhianfa will also provide written prescriptions if you wish to obtain prescription-only-medicine from another veterinary surgeon, or pharmacy.  Please bear in mind that delay in the start of treatment may not be in the best interest of the welfare of your pet.

  • Rhianfa will charge to provide a written prescription.

  • Rhianfa can only provide a written prescription for animals under our care. Rhianfa will charge to examine all ongoing medical conditions should the client wish to acquire a written prescription or not.

Supply of medicines for preventative Healthcare purposes

  • Rhianfa uses prescription-only-medicines (veterinary surgeon category ie POM-V) in order to prevent and resolve internal (worms) and external (fleas, ticks, mites, lice) parasites. Prescription-only-medicines treat a greater range of parasites more quickly and safely than non-prescription products. They often combine internal and external parasite in a single product. 

  • In order for Rhianfa to dispense Prescription-only preventative healthcare products, patients must be under the care of the practice.    

    • Being ‘under the care’ of a veterinary practice means that a veterinary surgeon must have examined the patient in order to prescribe and then dispense Prescription-only preventative healthcare products.

    • Rhianfa understands that many clients are unwilling to pay for a veterinary consultation in order to acquire Prescription-only preventative healthcare products. 

    • Rhianfa therefore offers a free of charge New Patient Consultation with a veterinary surgeon in order to comply with the Veterinary Medicine Regulations. This only applies to flea and worming products.

    • However, if the client wishes to discuss multiple medical problems during this consultation, that extend beyond the scope of prescribing preventative healthcare, Rhianfa reserves the right to charge for this consultation.

Return of unused medicine

  • Rhianfa will accept unused medications for disposal free of charge.  

  • Legally Rhianfa cannot offer a refund on any medicines which have left the premises as these are no longer deemed fit for resale. This is because Rhianfa cannot guarantee the conditions under which they were stored. 

  • Drugs purchased from another supplier will be accepted for disposal subject to a charge.

Out of Hours Service

  • Rhianfa is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6.30pm and Saturday 8am to 10:00am.

  • If your pet requires emergency treatment please call our Out of Hours provider Vets Now. The phone number is 01492 338 082.

  • Patients which are hospitalised may need to be transferred to Vets Now in Colwyn Bay for out of hours monitoring/treatment. This will need to be done by the owner or by an animal ambulance which the owner must arrange.


  • In accordance with the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons, Rhianfa will ask for signed consent for

    • All procedures involving admission to the clinic

    • The use of medications in species for which they were not licensed. For example using dog and cat medicines in rabbits and rodents.

    • The use of medications in conditions for which they were not licensed.  For example using a heart medicine to treat a kidney for which no licensed product exists.

    • Permission to euthanase your pet


  • All fees, food, reception sales and drugs are subject to VAT. 

  • Fees are calculated according to the time, risk and skill require to perform a veterinary procedure. 

  • A price list showing the cost of our most common services is displayed on our website. You can receive an itemised receipt for all transactions. 

  • All prices quoted, whether on our price list or in an estimate, are inclusive of the current rate of VAT.

Estimates of charges

  • Most medical presentations can be resolved using a range of options.  We will provide an estimate of the approximate cost of each option. 

  • Please note that medical care involves significant uncertainty and therefore unforeseen costs may occur. However, we will endeavour to inform you of any additional costs and explain why these have arisen as soon as practically possible. 

  • All estimates are valid for 30 days.

Expectations about payment

Unless otherwise specified, payment is expected

  • After each consultation or

  • When your pet is discharged or

  • When you collect any pre-ordered medicine or food.

You may settle the account using cash, credit card/debit card or online BACS transfer.  Personal cheques are not accepted.

Pet Health Insurance

  • Rhianfa strongly supports insuring your pet against the unexpected costs due to illness or accident.

  • Please ask us for details about the different types of insurance policy.

  • Unless otherwise specified, you are expected to settle your account and then reclaim fees from your insurance company.

  • Rhianfa will complete their portion of the insurance claim in a timely manner assuming we have all the relevant information to do so.

  • Rhianfa will not charge to complete insurance forms whereby the client has settled their account and is reclaiming fees from the insurance company.

Unsettled accounts

  • Any account not settled within 14 days will be sent a reminder.

  • Should the account remain outstanding beyond 30 days, Rhianfa reserves the right to refer any unsettled accounts to our debt collecting agency, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Should the account remain outstanding beyond 30 days, Rhianfa reserves the right to de-register the client and their pets.

  • Any further costs incurred in collecting the debt will be added to the balance.

  • Any cheque returned by our bank as unpaid, any credit card payment not honoured and any cash tendered and found to be counterfeit will result in the original account being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs.

Inability to Pay

  • If you are unable to settle your account we ask that you discuss the matter as soon as possible with a member of staff.

  • We do not offer payment plans as payment for treatment is expected at the time.

Complaints about the standards of care and service provided

  • Please note that the last thing we wish to do at Rhianfa is to cause you or your pets any undue distress.  If this happens, we would like to reassure you that any upset or distress caused is not intentional.  

  • However, if you feel that the standards of care, service and value for money you received from Rhianfa weren’t satisfactory, please contact the practice manager.

  • Whilst almost all client frustrations and concerns can be resolved informally, should you feel that your issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction by Rhianfa you may wish to raise your concern with the RCVS using the link below. Please be aware of the following when doing so;

  • Please note; the RCVS only gets involved in complaints relating to the professional conduct of a veterinary surgeon (eg fraud, dishonesty) as opposed to accusations of negligence – unless the instances of negligence are sustained or represent a standard that would make the veterinary professional unfit to practice.

  • This means that the RCVS does not get involved in complaints about charges.

  • The RCVS offers a Client Mediation Service:

Standards of conduct expected of our clients

  • Just as clients are entitled to expect appropriate standards of care, service and value for money from us, the directors and staff are entitled to expect appropriate standards of conduct and behaviour whilst serving our patients and our clients. 

  • Rhianfa’s definition of ‘appropriate’ standards of conduct and behaviour is as follows; clients are not entitled to speak to us or treat us in a manner that would be considered inappropriate should we do the same to them.  This includes

    • Swearing

    • Aggressive, abusive or intimidating behaviour towards members of staff.

    • Defamation on social media without drawing our attention to a concern.

  • Should such instances occur, Rhianfa reserves the right to de-register the client and their pets.

We also request that clients inform the surgery if they are unable to attend a booked appointment. If you have had an emergency and are unable to inform us before the appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. Failure to inform us may result in a deposit being taken before any future appointments can be scheduled. Multiple missed appointments may result in you being deregistered as a client. You will informed of this in writing.

We thank you for registering with Rhianfa vets.

Rhianfa Veterinary Centre

83 Russell Road

LL18 3DR Rhyl



For any enquiry, call us on 01745332553


©2019 by Rhianfa Veterinary Centre.

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